Video-enhanced spaces

The aim of blue-c-II is to move the advanced blue-c technologies towards practical use. From the viewpoint of architecture, the design and implementation of real-world applications have to be achieved. Our applications deal with anonymous users in spatially large and complex environments.

The approach is to take chance of classical architectural categories such as modularity, scalability and robustness within blue-c-II technolgies. Scenarios are developed mainly in the context of ETH’s lecture halls. Besides this, it is important, to give a qualified feedback from practice to the overall research group to incrementally improve the technologies relevance for practical use. The output will be paper based, supported by multimedia mock-ups, calculations and assessments of the technological and formal impact.

As soon as applicable blue-c-II technologies will be available, selected mock-ups will be substituted. This in order to achieve an impressive illustration of blue-c-II functionality inside a real life application. The selected application will face an everyday test by non-expert users towards usability and robustness.

Last update:
March 31. 2012 04:21:40
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